Grow hair 1 inch in 10 days, WOMEN why dont you try this |VIDEO

Got that? Okay now This is what you do:
1. Put whatever the amount is of olive oil to cover you whole head and put it in the cup.
2. Put the cup in the Microwave for 10 seconds or less (REMEMBER: if the oil is to hot you hair may fall out so make sure its touchable and slightly warm).
3. Apply Olive Oil to roots and ends.

4. This sounds silly but keep your head upside down for 4 minutes.
5. After those 4 minutes sit up and keep the Olive Oil in for 2 hours.
6. Last but not least Wash the Oil OUT! it may take a while to get it all out but it will get out soon enough!


Baking Soda and Castor Oil
This mixture can effectively eliminate skin tags. Mix the ingredients in order to get a paste and apply it to the skin tag, securing it cover a bandage. The paste can be stored in the fridge for up to 48 hours. Practice this method two to three times a day.
Dark Spots
Age spots or dark spots are discolored patches on the skin on the face, hands and forearms. Although their cause is still not clear, many doctors believe that they occur as a result of sun exposure and an aging liver. These are the best natural remedies for dark spots:
Lemon is an excellent dark spot remover, as it acts as a natural bleacher. All you need to do is to soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub it on the dark spot twice a day.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is another effective remedy against dark spots. Put fresh aloe on the dark spot and leave it on for 30 minutes. Use the inner gel of the fresh aloe plant, which may be grown as a house plant.
Onion is another remarkable ingredient that can provide great results in this case. Simply juice or blend the onion and apply it to the dark spot. Leave it thus for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off. You should repeat this procedure daily until the dark spot vanishes.

It is also great when it comes to removing dark spots. You need to mix it with vinegar and apply the combination to the dark spot daily. The dark spot will slowly fade away.
Vitamin C Serums
Hand- crafted, organic, chemical- free vitamin C serums can do wonders for your skin! They contain topically active vitamin C and can eliminate dark spots quickly. Moreover, they will repair the damaged skin.
Clearing Out Clogged Pores
Clogged pores are usually caused by oil buildup on the skin, which can make the skin look bumpy. Even though it is not a serious skin condition, they destroy the smooth appearance of the skin and need to be removed. Also, if you do not clean clogged pores in time, they may become infected.

Sugar Scrub
Exfoliating is another great way to unclog your pores and restore the healthy shine of your skin. Make a paste with sugar and lemon. Then, rub it with an organic cotton washcloth on the area with clogged pores in a circular motion. When you are done scrubbing, wash your face and rinse it with warm water.
Steaming is undoubtedly one of the best and most effective ways to unclog pores. Initially, wash your face. Then, place your face over a pot with boiled water. Cover your head with a towel, in order to be exposed to as much steam as possible. Remain thus for 10 to 15 minutes. Afterward, wash your face and rinse it a few times with warm water. Finally, apply some vinegar to clean up any extra debris. 


Fat Burning Cream
You can use Vicks VapoRub to decrease localized fat and get the desired figure. Note: first, you should know that Vicks VapoRub isn’t a magical cream (it won’t make your fat disappear), but can stimulate fat burning in the problematic area, such as legs or abdomen. It can help you fight and destroy fat cells, remove cellulite and make skin tissue firm. Here’s what you need to do you just have to make a cream with Vicks VapoRub, camphor, baking soda and a little bit of alcohol. Then, you need to apply this cream on the problematic areas and cover with black plastic or a clamping strip. You can do this while you are at home, at work or before doing your exercises.

You should also know that VapoRub contains levomenthol a solid white glass with mint flavor. So, if you use this ingredient “alone”, it may lead to rash, but when it’s dissolved in Vicks, it is completely safe because includes eucalyptus oil. Camphor is another used ingredient that can be harmful to health, so it is not recommended to use it directly, but in the commercial product packaging. Note: make sure you use this home remedy with a balanced diet and regular exercise.
You will need the following ingredients:

  • Vicks VapoRub
  • Camphor
  • Baking soda
  • Alcohol

This home remedy is very simple and easy to make. You just have to follow the simple instructions. Here’s what you need to do first, you need to crush the average tablet camphor well and mix it with other ingredients until you get a paste. Then, you need to [lace it in a plastic or glass container. Apply the resulted cream in the evening and make circular movements. Then, wrap the area with plastic wrap and let it sit for 30 minutes or overnight.