Traditional Russian Medicine to clean LIVER

One of the many functions the liver  performs is  detoxification. Excessive intake of medicines, improper diet and certain bacterial and viral infections  often leave severe consequences and  pose a threat to the liver’s well functioning.The liver (hepar) acts like a blood factory in the body. It helps the organism to strengthen and stimulate digestion as well as to clean the  blood and remove all the toxins and waste products found in it.

According to this  it is clear that a clean liver gives the body health, vitality, energy, fresh look and a good mood .Liver cleansing using  black grapes starts with the following procedure: First, choose high quality raisins. Be aware that  nowadays high quality raisins aren’t always available in the nearest market or store. When buying raisins, avoid choosing  very light, yellowish raisins.
Bright colored raisins come as a result of  sulfur dioxide treatment or in the best case, due to inappropriate drying rules. Also don’t choose the  “glowing” looking  raisins . The chances are very high that they have also been chemically treated.

Raisins with high quality  are not shiny , wrinkled, not too soft nor too hard (similar to soft rubber). They  must be preserved and not damaged.Good raisins have to be dark or brown coloured ( if it comes to brighter grape variety – then raisins have light brown color). There are also black raisins with a bluish shade, made by dehydrating darker vine types.
It would be ideal if you can find raisins along with their small stems, which is one of the main indicators of naturally produced raisins. Once you select the best and chemical-free raisins, you can start preparing the following recipe which will help you cleanse your liver.

Soak half  a cup of raisins in hot water and let it rest for 15 minutes, then wash .
Place the  washed raisins in a cup and fill the cup to the brim with boiled water, cooled to room temperature. Let the raisins rest for 24 hours (until the next morning).

The next morning, before having breakfast, drink the beverage and eat the raisins. Lie in bed for one and a half or two hours and put a hot compress (or even better, a hot-water bottle) on the right side of your stomach.
Repeat  this cleansing  procedure  once a week  for one  month (i.e. once a week during the month) and twice a year .

5 Best Exercises for Healthy Knees, do this

1. Partial squats: Or partial wall squats, since, in order to keep your balance, you might have to lean against a wall. You begin with taking a shoulder-wide stance, and then squat, slowly, bending at the knees but making sure that your knees to go forward further than your toes.
2. Calf stretch: Stand a little more than 50 cm away from the wall. Then, put your right foot behind the left, putting your palms on the wall for support. Then, bend forward with your left knee, while keeping your right knee still and the heel of your right foot on the floor. You bend the left knee until left knee is above your left foot and then hold this position for about half a minute. After that, switch your legs, with your left foot behind the right this time, and repeat the exercise.

3. Single-leg hamstring curl: Use your right hand to support yourself onto a wall. And then, put your weight on your right leg. Then, bend and your left knee, bringing your lower leg behind you. After that, lower your foot. This exercise needs to be done, or repeated about 20 times before you switch to the other leg.

4. Side-lying hip lift and leg lift: Lie down on your right side, keeping your feet and hips stacked. After that, place your right forearm on the floor and use it to support your body. Then, you raise your body off the ground at the hips, making a side plank. Then, after you’ve lowered yourself down again, raise your right leg. Do at least 20 repetitions of this exercise before you switch sides.

5. Leg raises: Do some leg raises by lying face up on the floor, with your right knee bent, while your left leg is straight. Keep your arms still on the floor, palms down. As you exhale, lift your left leg to your chest, while keeping your stomach muscles tight and palms on the floor. After that, lower your left leg back down and the switch your legs.

8 Dangerous Kidney Damage Symptoms many of us Ignoring

  • When the kidneys are failing, changes in urination can be an early warning sign.
  • You may have to get up in the middle of the night to urinate
  • Your urine may be foamy or bubbly
  • You may urinate more often or in greater amounts, with pale urine
  • You may urinate less often or in smaller amounts, with dark-colored urine
  • Your urine may contain blood
  • You may feel pressure or have difficulty urinating
If your kidneys aren’t working properly, they won’t remove the extra fluid in your body, which can lead to swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, face or hands. Unexpected swelling could be an indicator of failing kidneys.
When the kidneys are healthy, they produce a hormone called erythropoietin, or EPO. This hormone tells your body to make red blood cells that carry oxygen. Kidneys that are failing make less EPO, so there are fewer red blood cells carrying oxygen. Your muscles and brain become fatigued quickly and easily, leading to anemia.

If they kidneys aren’t effectively removing waste from the bloodstream, the build-up can cause severe itching or a skin rash. Waste accumulates in the blood, causing skin to become dry and irritated. Creams or ointments may help the problem on the surface, but if your rash is linked to kidney damage, putting cream on your rash won’t fix the underlying issue.

When waste accumulates in the blood, it can cause bad breath and even make your food taste different. If you notice a loss of appetite or a change in your food preferences, it could be a sign of kidney damage. The waste build-up can also cause nausea and vomiting.

Kidney damage can lead to shortness of breath in two ways. The extra fluid in the body can build up in the lungs, and/or the shortage of oxygen-carrying red blood cells can leave your body starved for oxygen.
Anemia related to kidney damage means that the brain isn’t getting the oxygen it needs. This can lead to memory loss, dizziness and trouble with concentration.
Some people who are suffering from kidney damage may experience pain in the upper back or on the same side as the damaged kidney. Kidney infections and kidney stones can cause severe pain, often in spasms.

A Cup Of this Daily To Melt Away Your Stomach Fat

Lemon, ginger, honey, cinnamon and horseradish are also considered to be highly effective when waging war against belly fat. Similar to red pepper, each have unique properties that work together to improve overall health and burn fat.
How Does it Work?
When combined, the above-mentioned ingredients work together to decrease your appetite and give you an energy boost.

  • Horseradish stimulates digestion and boosts our metabolism.
  • Cinnamon helps burn abdominal fat and control insulin levels. Lemons have a calming effect that can reduce stress levels. It’s proven that stress overload is a prime reason for overeating.
  • Lemons are high in vitamin C, help to reduce stress and helps your body turn excess fat into energy.
  • Ginger is highly effective in keeping your blood sugar in check so you don’t binge of carbohydrates.
The best part of this recipe is that you don’t have to slave away in the kitchen every night. You probably have all the ingredients in your pantry.

  • Horseradish 125 grams.
  • Three lemons.
  • Honey four teaspoons.
  • Cinnamon two teaspoons.
  • Ginger two-centimeter piece.
Using a food processor, blend the ginger and horseradish. Cut the lemons into slices and remove the seeds. Blend the lemons with the peels and mix together with the horseradish and ginger paste. Add the honey, cinnamon and blend again. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight jar. One cup a day and you can say goodbye to belly fat

4 Healthy Weight loss Drinks that can add in your Diet

WАTЕR- Dеfіnіtеlу thе bеst drіnk fоr wеіght lоss, which іs саlоrіе frее but саn stіll fіll уоu uр. Ѕtudіеs hаvе fоund thаt drіnkіng wаtеr bеfоrе еаtіng саusе реорlе tо еаt lеss durіng thе mеаl. Іt hаs аlsо bееn fоund thаt wаtеr іn раrtісulаr ісеd wаtеr іn fасt stіmulаtеs thе mеtаbоlіsm, іnсrеаsіng thе numbеr оf саlоrіеs уоu burn.
Іt іs thоught thаt іnсrеаsіng уоur wаtеr іntаkе bу twо glаssеs а dау саn lеаd tо а 30% іnсrеаsе іn mеtаbоlіс rаtе. Іt іs аlsо іmроrtаnt tо drіnk рlеntу оf wаtеr fоr mаnу оthеr rеаsоns. Еvеn slіght dеhуdrаtіоn саn lеаd tо lасk оf еnеrgу, рооr skіn, соnstіраtіоn аnd lасk оf соnсеntrаtіоn. Іt´s thе оnlу drіnk thаt´s frее, sо thеrе´s nо ехсusеs nоt tо drіnk uр!
GRЕЕN ТЕА- Whіlе bоth blасk аnd grееn tеа аrе саlоrіе frее аnd thеrеfоrе suіtаblе fоr wеіght lоss, grееn tеа ехtrасt соntаіnіng роlурhеnоls аnd саffеіnе hаvе bееn fоund tо саusе thеrmоgеnеsіs аnd іnсrеаsе fаt охіdаtіоn, whісh іn turn mау іnсrеаsе mеtаbоlіс rаtе slіghtlу.

Аlthоugh іt іs unlіkеlу tо bооst thе rаtе еnоugh tо саusе sіgnіfісаnt wеіght lоss. Grееn tеа аlsо bоаsts а hоst оf оthеr bеnеfіts suсh аs hіgh lеvеls оf flаvоnоіds (аntіохіdаnts thаt hеlр fіght саnсеr). Ѕtudіеs hаvе аlsо suggеstеd thаt hеаrt аttасk rіsk іs rеduсеd wіth rеgulаr іntаkе оf grееn tеа.
ВLАСK СОFFЕЕ- Іn mоdеrаtіоn (mахіmum 3 tо 4 сuрs реr dау), blасk соffее hаs bееn shоwn tо hаvе bеnеfісіаl еffесts fоr thе hеаlth. Іt соntаіns аntіохіdаnts whісh mау hеlр fіght sоmе fоrms оf саnсеr, аnd hаs аlsо bееn аssосіаtеd wіth rеduсеd rіsk оf dіsеаsеs suсh аs hеаrt dіsеаsе аnd Туре 2 Dіаbеtеs.

Саffеіnе іs аlsо thоught tо stіmulаtе thе mеtаbоlіsm аnd іnсrеаsе саlоrіе burnіng. Оn tор оf аll thіs іt іs саlоrіе frее mаkіng іt thе реrfесt wеіght lоss рісk. Јust rеmеmbеr tо kеер іt blасk оr аdd оnlу а smаll аmоunt оf lоw fаt mіlk аnd dоn’t аdd tоо muсh sugаr оr а соffее саn quісklу bесоmе а hіgh саlоrіе bеvеrаgе.

VЕGЕTАBLЕ ЈUІСЕ- Vеgеtаblе јuісе рrоvіdеs аll thе nutrіtіоnаl bеnеfіts оf fruіt јuісе but wіth lеss саlоrіеs. Аs vеgеtаblеs аrе gеnеrаllу nаturаllу lоwеr іn sugаr thаn fruіt, thеіr јuісеs аrе аlsо muсh lоwеr іn sugаr. А сuр оf nаturаl vеgеtаblе јuісе suсh аs V8 рrоvіdеs оnlу 50 саlоrіеs, whіlst thе еquіvаlеnt іn frеsh оrаngе јuісе рrоvіdеs 129, оvеr twісе аs mаnу саlоrіеs.
Lооk fоr соmрlеtеlу nаturаl јuісеs wіth рulр fоr аddеd fіbеr thаt wіll kеер уоu full fоr lоngеr. Аltеrnаtіvеlу squееzе уоur оwn, thаt wау уоu knоw ехасtlу whаt іs gоіng іntо іt.

25 benefits of Castor Oil you most dont Know, read and Share

  1. Allergies disappear if you take five drops of castor oil each morning. 
  2. Wounds, cuts and bruises heal fast if are treated with castor oil. 
  3. Massaging the belly with castor oil in the last two months of pregnancy prevents stretch marks.
  4.  The injured wrist is healed rapidly if it wrapped in a castor oil and left overnight.
  5.  It was noted a significant reduction in hearing loss by dripping castor oil in the ear. 
  6. A cataract can be cured by dripping one drop of oil before bedtime every night. 
  7. There has been noticed loss of pilonidal cysts using castor oil. 
  8. Brown spots can be whitened with a mixture of castor oil and baking soda. 
  9. Facilitate severe ocular allergies rubbing castor oil in the eyelids before bedtime. 
  10. Reduce the pain in the lower back using a castor oil once a week. 
  11. Prevent chronic diarrhea putting lining on ​​the belly. 
  12. With a daily usage of linings on the neck for three months can be removed nodules on the vocal cords and chronic hoarseness. 

  1. There has been a complete disappearance of tinnitus if are taken orally 6-8 drops of castor oil daily for four weeks. 
  2. Hyperactivity can be treated using castor oil linings on the belly.
  3.  Warts disappear after four-week lubrication of castor oil. 
  4. Calcium deposits on the sole disappear with a daily massage with castor oil. 
  5. There has been noticed disappearance of skin cancer after application of castor oil and baking soda.
  6. Snoring stops after a two-week application of a castor oil on the abdomen. 
  7. Bee stings heal fast after applying castor oil. 
  8. Hair growth can boost with a daily massage with castor oil for twenty minutes before shampooing.
  9. It has been observed rapid healing of hepatitis using castor oil. 
  10. Nail fungus can be eliminated with the daily use of a coating on the diseased areas. 
  11. It is helpful in the process of recovering of alcoholism. 
  12. Regular external application of castor oil helps removing melanoma. 
  13. It was noted an improvement in health in the terminal phase of cancer using a castor oil.

This SALAD helps to your BODY and HAIR, must try this

There are numerous benefits to incorporating a fruit salad into your regular diet. For one, fruit salads are an efficient, flavorful way to absorb most of your vitamins and water for the day. Additionally, studies have suggested that certain fruits (such as cranberries) contain compounds and fiber that reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease, respectively. A diet containing fruits may also help to improve one's mood and reduce depression. The overall advantage to eating from this tasty food group is improved physical, mental, and emotional health. Below is a recipe for a fancy, fun fruit salad:

  • 1 watermelon
  • 1-2 honeydews
  • 1-2 cantaloupes
  • 1 pineapple
  • strawberries
  • blueberries
Cut a thin slice from bottom of watermelon so it will rest evenly. Slice watermelon lengthwise in half. Carve a decorative zig-zag edge from 1/2 of watermelon. Scoop out fruit from watermelon. Scoop watermelon balls from second half. (Scoop honeydew and cantaloupe balls. Cut remaining fruits.)
Fill bowl with watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe balls, pineapple chunks, strawberries, blueberries and other fresh fruit in season. Mix and let stand. Add more fruit as needed to keep full for large party.

Fruits that are high in beta-carotene may contribute to the growth and maintenance of hair follicles. (To read more, see related post and study.) Such fruits include: cantaloupe, papaya, apricot, and mango to name a few. Meanwhile, fruits that are an excellent source of manganese -- including blueberries, pineapples, and raspberries supposedly help to prevent slow hair growth. This is just a handful of hair-related advantages to eating fruits.
In addition to the internal benefits of consuming fruits is the external advantage of applying a fruit salad to the hair. Yes, this sounds strange at first, but the right mixture of fruits can actually condition the hair. View the recipe below which is also posted in "Buh-Buh-Banana ... Deep Conditioners"

  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1/4 cantaloupe
  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
Blend all ingredients. (Be sure to blend the banana thoroughly and sieve.) Apply to hair. For extra conditioning, squeeze in the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Leave in hair for 15 minutes. Then rinse.

She rubs PEPPER-COFFE-COCONUT oil mix under her eyes, the result is Amazing

  • A little bit of freshly ground coffee beans
  • A pinch of black pepper
  • Coconut oil
Preparation and Usage:
-You should mix the ground coffee beans with a small amount of black pepper in the palm of your hand. You have to utilize freshly ground beans, because the heat destroys most of the beneficial nutrients in them.  Add a similar amount of coconut oil and mix everything together with your finger. Add a few drops of water to the mix. It should look like this on your palm. You can dab some of the mixture lightly under your eyes. You have to be careful not to get any of it directly in your eyes. The circulation will be stimulated by the nutrients. The antioxidants will help guard against wrinkles.

-Leave the mixture stay for 5-10 minutes and then wash it off  with a damp cloth or cotton pad. The skin under your eyes is very thin and sensitive,so you should not rub the skin too aggressively.
-You can utilize this recipe multiple times per week, but you have to know that this is only a temporary solution. If you always have dark circles under your eyes, you should visit your doctor, because they can also be an indication of certain illnesses. This pepper trick is just a temporary solution, but it is certainly a great one.


Do you Know Apples Help for weight loss, anemia , fevers and de-addiction, read this

*Apples are rich in iron and so apple juice intake is beneficial for people suffering from anemia.
*Eating an apple a day helps people who are on a diet to reduce weight.
*Eating apples also reduces the craving for alcohol.Though it is not a full fledged cure for alcohol addiction it definitely helps a determined few who want to kick the habit.
*Eating one apple a day will strengthen the heart and discourages the increase in cholesterol levels.It also helps in anxiety disorders.

When apple juice is taken along with 1 gm of Brahmi powder it reduces the symptoms of hysteria.
*Eating an Apple on an empty stomach in the morning relieves one of migraine pain.
This must be done for a few mornings.
*Apple leaves (4-5) are boiled in water and this decoction helps in reducing fevers. (Somehow this tip is not so simple as apple trees are not too common in the areas I live - For me the apple tree is a vision and it always gladdens my heart to see this big tree with green foliage laden with red delicious fruit )

Best and Simple tip to reduce Belly Fat, Body Fat

Take equal quantities of :
  1. sont (dry ginger)
  2. long pepper (pippalu,pippali,java pepper)
  3. black pepper corns(miriyalu,kali mirch,mizhagu)
  4. thymol seeds(vaamu,omam,ajwain)
  5. cumin seeds(jeera,jeeragam,jeelakarra)
  6. rock salt
Preparation and usage:
  1. Powder the ingredients.Store in a dry glass jar.
  2. A big pinch of this powder is mixed in a glass of cow's buttermilk.Drinking this twice a day will reduce the tummy.

Shocking Reasons of Getting BLOATED Stomach

Chewing Gum:  The air you breathe while chewing gum can cause bloating. In order to stay slim tummy, make sure you do not chew gum all day. Avoid giving kids before giving food
Alcohol: Sugar and alcohol, particularly those contained in beer, can make your muscles loose. Of view of nutrition, alcohol is very harmful to the body. This is because alcohol contains calories are high, the same as the number of calories in fatty foods. Apart from that, when you drink alcohol, your liver will work very hard to eliminate alcohol, sugar and delay for the filter. Sugar is then stored as body fat. In addition, alcohol can also increase your appetite.

Tobacco: Tobacco can damage the bowels. If you smoke after eating, you will definitely feel bloated afterwards. Stop smoking, and you will get more benefits than just weight loss.

Stress: Stress can interfere with the body and digestion. Stress can also make you feel full and cause problems in the body's ability to store fat. The result of your stomach will look more fluffy. To overcome this, learn to be more relaxed and breathing slowly and deeply.
Fast Food: The number of calories and fat in fast food is very high. The main issues that will be caused by fast food is that food is not too filling, so you'll often feel hungry. You should limit your intake of fast food you eat and apply it once a month.

Hormones: Men have a hormone that affects their weight. That is why men tend to have a beer belly by a certain age. At the time he began to store fat in their stomachs at the age of the 40s, women will keep their fat in the thighs, buttocks, and hips them in an earlier age.
Milk: Although milk is essential for healthy, balanced diet with high amounts of calcium can cause digestive problems and make the belly bulge. If you like milk, yogurt or advisable to consume and cheese made from goat's milk.
Drugs Laxatives: Perhaps you are accustomed to using laxative medicines (laxatives) when you have constipation. You should not use it too often. Excessive use of laxatives can also lead to digestive problems. You should consult your doctor before using a laxative medicine.

Gooseberry-Curry Leaves Hair Oil helps in Hair REGROWTH |Steps to Prepare

This is simple herbal oil and we can make on our own. Ingredients that need are fistful of hibiscus leaves, henna leaves, curry leaves, dried goose berry pieces, few pieces of edible camphor and a liter of gingerly oil. After gathering all the required items, Do the preparation process in iron kadai.
Steps for preparation:-

  1. Put all the leaves and dried goose berry pieces into the kadia.
  2. Add 4 to 5 spoons of gingerly oil and heat in low flame for about 3-4 minutes until all leaves are fried well.
  3. Now add the whole one liter of gingerly oil into the kadai and boil oil very well.
  4. After the flame is put off, allow the oil to cool and the leaves and goose berries to settle down.
  5. Separate all leaves and goose berry pieces from the oil.
  6. Store the oil in a clean bottle for use.
  7. Drop about 10 pieces of edible camphor to the oil bottle. The camphor will dissolve on its own. It gives great aroma to the oil and also helps in fighting infection in the scalp.

Cucumber-Lemon-Ginger Drink to Burn Stomach Fat Instantly

There are many Fat burning Drinks but this combo is much effective when compares with other home made natural fat burning Drinks. We need simple ingredients and preparation is also very easy. Every one must try this drink

-Half lemon
-One cucumber
-One teaspoon grated ginger
-Some parsley
-1/3 glass of water
Preparation steps and usage : Keep all ingredients in a juicer and mix them well. Drink it every night before going to bed, do it for 30 days then u find the difference.