1. CAMEL POSE: Muscles highlighted: Rectus Abdominus and External Obliques. This stretch is best reserved for people who have good flexibility already.  Sit on your heels and place your hands behind you as you push your hips up and forward. Avoiding putting too much pressure on your lumbar spine. If you have neck problems do not drop your head back.

2. WIDE FORWARD FOLD: Muscles highlighted: Adductors. This is a great exercise to open the hips, and stretch the adductors and hamstrings.  Start this stretch with your knees bent, and spine straight.  As your muscles begin to release you can slowly straighten your legs, round out your back and reach for your feet.  Lightly pull on the bottom of the balls of your feet to release the calf muscles as well.  If you can not reach your feet you can use a belt or towel. You can also perform this stretch lying on your back with your feet going up the wall.

3. FROG POSE: Muscles Highlighted: Adductors. This is a deep groin stretch that can place pressure on your knees so it’s helpful to be on a soft surface.  Start by resting on your hands and knees and slowly bring your knees wider until you feel a good stretch in your groin muscles. You will feel slight variations in the stretch as you actively push your hips back and forward.

4. WIDE SIDE LUNGE POSE: Muscles Highlighted: Adductors. Start with both feet forward in a wide stance with your legs as straight as possible.  Slowly walk your hands to your right foot while bending your right knee and rotating your left toes up to the ceiling, sitting into your right hip.  Keep your right foot flat on the ground.
5. BUTTERFLY STRETCH: Muscles Highlighted: Adductors. Start in a seated position and bring the soles of your feet together and sit tall through your sit bones. Progress this stretch by placing pressure on your knees with your hands. The closer your feet are to your body the more you will stretch your groin muscles.  Bring your feet farther from your hips and slowly round your upper body to release your back muscles.
6. FOREARM EXTENSOR STRETCH: Muscles Highlighted: Forearm Extensor. Start by packing your shoulder down and back, then externally rotate the shoulder for the optimal position to stretch the forearm muscle. Once in this position apply pressure to your opposing hand to begin the stretch.  You can progress this stretch by touching the tips of your fingers together in a tea cup shape.

7. LATERAL SIDE FLEXION OF THE NECK: Muscles Highlighted: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM”. Try to keep your neck as long as possible while slowly dropping your ear to your shoulder, making sure you are not collapsing your cervical spine. You can progress this stretch by being seated on a chair and grabbing the bottom of the seat. This will help you create consistent tension down the arm and neck which will allow you to target the upper traps.

8. NECK ROTATION STRETCH: Muscles Highlighted: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM”. Start by slowly rotating your neck, while keeping your chin slightly elevated to isolate the SCM.  If you would like to get a deeper stretch apply pressure with the opposite hand from the direction that you are rotating.
9. NECK EXTENSION STRETCH: Muscles Highlighted: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM”. Start by placing your hands on your hips, while keeping your spine long start to tilt your head back, making sure you are not collapsing your cervical spine.
10. LATERAL SIDE FLEXION OF THE NECK WITH HAND ASSISTANCE: Muscles Highlighted: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM” and Upper Trapezius.  Try to keep your neck as long as possible while slowly dropping your ear to your shoulder, making sure you are not collapsing your cervical spine. You can progress this stretch by being seated on a chair while grabbing the bottom of the seat.  This will help you create consistent tension down the arm and neck which will allow you to target the upper traps.

This Spice is MURDERER of OBESITY, Have a Spoon in a DAY and Observe Results

The best way to lose weight is by speeding up the metabolism. There are natural foods that can accelerate and spices only if the change in diet. Hunger is not the best option when you want to lose weight. Kilograms are easy to melt when combined food and natural ingredients that stimulate metabolism are used. Scientists at the University of Medical Sciences in Iran have formed two groups, each consisting of 44 women who have problems with excess weight.

It is advisable to 3 months for women of both groups about healthy eating and consuming less than 500 calories per day.The first group consumed 3 grams of cumin powder one day, mixed with 140 g of yogurt.Another group of women consume the same amount of yogurt without the addition of cumin.

After three months, the group who ate yogurt with cumin lost about 14 pounds compared to women who drank yogurt naturally .The research is even more impressive when you consider the fact that the participants in the first group lost 14.64 percent more fat than the other group lost 4.91 percent fat.

What matters is why the respondents were losing weight is that this spice contains filosterole, a chemical plant, known to prevent retention of cholesterol in the body. Scientists believe this is because cumin speeds up the metabolism.

If you want to try this spice is not necessary to add to yogurt, you can be added to any dish. The specias can easily mix and enhance the flavor of dishes.

Baking Soda and Mint Teeth Whitener, TRY this

You will need the following ingredients for this tooth mask:

  • Peppermint essential oil – 1 drop
  • Baking soda – 1/2 tsp
  • Lemon juice – 2 drops
  • Dried mint powder – 1/4 tsp

How to Use?

  1. Take a small bowl and mix all these ingredients in it
  2. Apply it on your toothbrush to brush your teeth normally
  3. Then leave for 3 minutes before rinsing with water
  4. Then brush your teeth using your toothpaste

MEN, WOMEN try this Triple Fat Loss With One Teaspoon Of This Miracle Spice

Cumin is also used in traditional medicine to improve digestive function. A number of contemporary studies confirm that cumin promotes the excretion of pancreatic enzymes, acids, and bile vital for proper digestion.  Also, cumin is extremely useful for predigesting food owing to the compound cuminaldehyde, found in the essential oil of the cumin plant, which stimulates salivary glands. Plus, it relieves gas and IBS symptoms and improves appetite.

According to a different study, published in 2010 in the journal Food Chemistry and Toxicology, cumin can reduce blood sugar as effectively as the drug glibenclamide (known as glyburide in the US).  Also, cumin proved beneficial for decreasing oxidative stress and preventing the advanced glycated end products (AGE) linked to the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular problems.
A separate animal study concluded that cumin was more efficient in reducing inflammation, cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, and blood glucose than the drug glibenclamide.

According to preclinical research on cumin effects on cancer, the spice can prevent cervical and colon cancer.
There is also evidence that cumin improves memory function.Last, but not least, cumin is abundant in numerous antimicrobial properties.

1# Savor your soups, stews, chili, rice, beans, or lentils with some cumin.
2# Add cumin to vegetable sautés; it also blends well with sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and cauliflower.
3# Savor your marinades, salad dressings and mayonnaise with this spice.

4# Sprinkle on roasted nuts or chickpeas.
5# Use it as an additive in the meat mixture when making meatloaf, meatballs, or hamburgers.
6# Add to scrambled eggs before cooking.
7# Make some cumin seed tea by boiling the seeds in water and then leaving them to steep for about 10 minutes.

Home Made Banana Mix for Smooth, Shiny and Silky Hair, Try this

This Mix is very healthy and effective, making your hair look soft, shiny, and smooth. The ingredients like banana are high in potassium and it strengthens hair, minimizing breakage through restoring the natural elasticity. They are also rich in vitamins A, B6, C, and E, iron, and zinc.

2 tbsp. of coconut milk;
1 tbsp. of coconut oil;
1 banana;
2 tbsp. of honey.

Steps to prepare and Usage: cut the banana into pieces and place it into a bowl, adding the coconut milk and the coconut oil. If you have dry and fizzy hair, add another tablespoon of the oil. Mix the honey and put the content into a blender, mixing for 50 seconds until the mixture smoothens.
How to Use: dampen your hair, massaging the mixture in it. Then cover your hair with a plastic cap. Let it stay for 30 minutes and rinse it out. Shampoo as usual. Use the mixture once per week.

This Pumpkin Juice do good for Over Weight and Diabetic People, Try this DRINK

Here are some recipes that you can make with pumpkin, Pumpkin Juice Ingredients and how you should make it :
For this mixture you need lemons,water,natural apricot extract,pumpkin and brown sugar.

Squeeze the juice of 1 kg of lemons. Add natural apricot extract. Pour 7 liters of water and sweeten the mixture with 2 kg of brown sugar. Get one pumpkin (3 kg) and clean it well. Cook the pumpkin and mash it well. Mix everything and whisk it well in order to dissolve the brown sugar. Store the juice in clean glass bottles.
Pumpkin Juice with Ginger, Here are the ingredients for this recipe:

  • 28 oz of pumpkin puree
  • 2 quarts of apple cider, divided
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger (2 inches)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • ½ a teaspoon of whole cloves
  • ¼ cup of honey
  • ½ a cup of brown sugar

Use some saucepan and add the 3 cups of apple cider, the ginger, cinnamon stick and cloves. Put the saucepan on heat and allow it to boil. Then turn down to simmer and continue to cook for 15 minutes. Then you can remove the saucepan from the heat and add the honey and the brown sugar. Stir well until they are dissolved. You should put the mixture in the fridge until it is cooled down.Once the mixture is cooled down you can strain the mixture and add the remaining apple cider and the pumpkin puree. Stir everything well.