This Spice is MURDERER of OBESITY, Have a Spoon in a DAY and Observe Results

The best way to lose weight is by speeding up the metabolism. There are natural foods that can accelerate and spices only if the change in diet. Hunger is not the best option when you want to lose weight. Kilograms are easy to melt when combined food and natural ingredients that stimulate metabolism are used. Scientists at the University of Medical Sciences in Iran have formed two groups, each consisting of 44 women who have problems with excess weight.

It is advisable to 3 months for women of both groups about healthy eating and consuming less than 500 calories per day.The first group consumed 3 grams of cumin powder one day, mixed with 140 g of yogurt.Another group of women consume the same amount of yogurt without the addition of cumin.

After three months, the group who ate yogurt with cumin lost about 14 pounds compared to women who drank yogurt naturally .The research is even more impressive when you consider the fact that the participants in the first group lost 14.64 percent more fat than the other group lost 4.91 percent fat.

What matters is why the respondents were losing weight is that this spice contains filosterole, a chemical plant, known to prevent retention of cholesterol in the body. Scientists believe this is because cumin speeds up the metabolism.

If you want to try this spice is not necessary to add to yogurt, you can be added to any dish. The specias can easily mix and enhance the flavor of dishes.

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