jr NTR Ready to create Hadal

jr NTR Ready to create Hadal????
TR Who is aiming successful directors at Box office is now targeting Prabhas director “Koratala shiva” , He is director of Prabhas Mirchi which had a good time at box office , Ntr is planning next film with his and this will start with Rabhasa shoot carrying on itself reveals film nagar sources. 
Recently HADAL title is registered for Ntr film in Film chamber and Koratala shiva is behind this title says gossips. Ntr is presently busy in Ramayya Vasthavayya shooting and planned it to release on september 27th but due to political problems producers are planning it to release it only after state politics gets cool down. 
This film was first designed for Ram charan but charan found that story might effect his career track and left this film behind , Ntr is now ready to do this flick with Koratala shiva.

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